At banker strammer skruen og lægger ekstra gebyrer på privatkunder for at “polstre sig” ifht. likviditetskrav er ikke nyt. Men nu begynder nogle af dem også at gå efter mindre firmaer med astronomiske gebyrstigninger. Hør mere om hvordan en større skandinavisk bank behandlede et mindre dansk startup. Og hvordan de blev reddet af iværksætter-venlig mindre dansk bank!
Compelling Software blog
Startup company Compelling Software gets smart money investment
Compelling Software has been joined by Michael Svendsen, business angel and retail veteran. Compelling Software is the company behind Grosh, the intelligent grocery app.
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Great apps – what sets them apart from the competition?
Ever wondered what sets great apps apart? One important aspect is providing users with great value based on minimal effort by the user. Check out the post on the new generation of data driven apps.
New major update to Alarmhandler app – only app for both SMS and IP camera control
A major update of the Alarmhandler home security solution ships today in Appstore and Google Play. Alarmhandler 3.0 lets you control not only IP camera surveillance, but also SMS based alarms – using just one app. Read more about the update here.
The solution was originally launched under the name of Alarmhjælp in the Danish market, then later on launched internationally under the Alarmhandler name. From version 3.0 it is called Alarmhandler in all markets.
The alarmhjæ brand will continue to exist, but now only covers the alarmhjæ website with its blog and ebook with information about home alarms and security targeted at the Danish market.
Growth hacking for testing business models
At Compelling Software we’ve been working with growth hacking to refine our business model. Read more about growth hacking and get some tips and tricks! Please share the story if you think other could benefit of this! Read our article which has been featured at 🙂